​Big League Bats
The Salazar Collection is one of the most impressive single-player collections in the country. This collection was passionately assembled by a big San Diego Padres/Tony Gwynn fan spaning over four decades. Believe it or not, this is less than half of the entire collection......enjoy!

Incredible block letter minor league bat. Gwynn ordered his first signature model bat on 3/4/82. He only ordered 12 bats in 1981, this being one of them. This may be the only block letter bat in existence.

Rookie bat with Tony's Hawaii Islander's #12 written underneath his Padres' #19. An exceptionally early and rare bat.

Rookie B267 matching Tony's shipping records to his first full year in the majors, 1983.

One of the nicest Gwynn bats you will ever find. This '84 LVS shows tremendous use with perfect characteristics and was used during the Padres NL Championship season. A true "10".

A rare one of one "experimental" C271 model shipped to Tony for testing in 1987. Gwynn's LVS shipping records show he was shipped this lone C271 during his career.

Very rare and highly desirable '89 large label All-Star bat. This large label was banned by MLB following the '89 production.

Rare one year style, '90 branding which shows exceptional use. This particular bat was used for BP along with potential game action.

Due to the ban of branding on the barrel in 1990, Tony ordered two dozen bats with "Batting Champion" branded under his signature. This is one of the very few which were actually used. Tony's teammates did not think highly of the "batting champion" stamping so Gwynn did not continue ordering them.

Rare Gwynn homerun bat as noted on the knob. Tony blacked out the knob on a handful of bats during the 1997 season.